Challenge_by Firms

Unlock the Potential of Space with 3D Printing_By Blue Engineering

23/09/2024 - 11/01/2025

Background:  The use of 3D printers has revolutionized various sectors, including the space one, where it assumes crucial importance for multiple reasons related to research, exploration and colonization of space. […]

Challenge_by Firms

Innovating Hose and Cable Reels_By Zeca S.p.A.

23/09/2024 - 11/01/2025

Background: The company flagship products are hose or cable reels; the product core is a tube or electrical cable wounded on a coil. The system allows, through a spiral spring, […]

Challenge_by Students

Fostering Environmental Sustainability Through Deep-Tech Innovation_By Students

23/09/2024 - 11/01/2025

Background: Environmental sustainability, resource management, and emissions reduction are increasingly important. Responsible environmental interaction is crucial for ongoing production and planetary preservation for future generations. Therefore, deep-tech solutions are vital […]

Challenge_by Firms

Wastescapes_By Azzurra S.r.l.

04/03/2024 - 15/06/2024

Background: The construction and subsequent management of new treatment plants for industrial waste is a process that challenges the local contexts with a number of environmental, spatial and socio-economic repercussions, including the infrastructural networks, the landscape characters, the relations with the […]

Challenge_by Firms

EcoPackTech_By Tosa

04/03/2024 - 15/06/2024

Background: Following the increasingly rapid evolution of the market, consumers are changing their way of approaching purchases also in the Food&Beverage sector preferring digital. The fragmentation of purchases leads to […]

Challenge_by Students

Living with Natural Risks

04/03/2024 - 15/06/2024

Background: Landslides, floods and fires are among the major natural hazards having a great impact on the socioeconomic framework of the world. Changes in environmental conditions, due to the growth […]

Challenge_by Firms

ForestNav_By Latitudo40

04/03/2024 - 15/06/2024

Background: The consumption of land and the degradation of urban green spaces pose a significant threat to the environment and biodiversity in our cities. Additionally, urban forests play a crucial […]

Challenge_by Firms

Electric Vehicles as flexibility sources for Energy Communities_By IREN

04/03/2024 - 15/06/2024

Background: The challenge encompasses two crucial aspects of the energy landscape: electric mobility and Renewable Energy Communities. Future penetration of electric vehicles (EV) equipped with technologies of bi-directional charging (V2G) […]

Challenge_by Firms

Driving the Future_By Iveco

02/10/2023 - 20/01/2024

Background: The automotive sector is undergoing a revolution due to advanced technologies,  including light commercial vehicles. ​ The future of commercial vehicles relies on smart solutions, including the use of predictive algorithms. The advent of V2X (vehicle […]

Challenge_by Firms

Smart Passenger Information Systems_By Hitachi Rail

02/10/2023 - 20/01/2024

Background: In the coming years, there will likely be an increase in demand for Public Transport Systems (PTS), requiring a rise in system efficiency. Users are less inclined to use PTS due to a lack of […]

Challenge_by Firms

The ultimate high-speed charging experience_By Edison Next

02/10/2023 - 20/01/2024

Background: The adoption of electric and hybrid vehicles has increased thanks to various incentives. However, the current objective is to establish an extensive network of charging stations to address the […]

Challenge_by Students

Digital Twin

02/10/2023 - 20/01/2024

Background: The Digital Twin is the digital replica of a physical object, be it a product, a process or a system. In the Digital Twin, data and information from the […]


Sei Challenge@PoliTO al traguardo


Giungono alla conclusione le sei Challenge@PoliTo della prima parte dell’anno accademico 22-23: i team studenteschi in gioco hanno presentato i progetti e raccolto complimenti e feedback molto positivi dalle aziende e dai […]

Challenge_by Firms

Hail-Care _By ARAL

02/08/2022 - 28/02/2023

Call for Ideas Hailstorms are dangerous and costly phenomena which occur in areas with a temperate, tropical and subtropical climate. These events are expected to worsen in response to climate […]

Challenge_by Firms

The next gen of coffee packaging_By LAVAZZA

02/08/2022 - 28/02/2023

Call for Ideas At Lavazza, we recognize the impact of packaging and the challenges ahead, which is why we have been working over 10 years to research, develop, test and […]

Challenge_by Students

INTERNET OF THINGS smart and self-powered_By Students

02/08/2022 - 28/02/2023

Call for Ideas Nowadays, thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT), things are becoming smarter, ubiquitous, and heterogenous. The IoT foster systems to be more productive, efficient, and sustainable. Besides, […]

Challenge_by Firms

Demolition yards_By ArchLivIng

27/02/2023 - 10/06/2023

Call for Ideas The intervention in places affected by natural or man-made disaster opens a vast field of responses and experimentation in the cultural and technical spheres. The most tangible […]

Challenge_by Firms

Become Passwordless _By ARUBA

02/08/2022 - 15/07/2023

Call for Ideas Today’s trend in IT systems is to move toward passwordless access systems that are valid and recognized across all platforms, mobile, desktop and browser. Indeed, such systems […]

Challenge_by Firms

5S -Sustainable Solid State Switches for power Systems_By ENEL Grids

02/08/2022 - 15/07/2023

Call for Ideas The electrical grid is the infrastructure that enables the energy transition, interconnecting renewable generation and final consumers. The necessity to connect distributed renewable sources brought new complex […]

Challenge_by Students

Silver Economy_By Students

02/08/2022 - 15/07/2023

Topic In Europe, the percentage of people over 65 will rise from 29.6% in 2016 to 51.2% in 2070. This demographic change will lead to an evolution in people’s behaviour […]


Start-up nello spazio: conclusa la challenge del progetto ESA BIC Turin


Fare impresa nello spazio, questo il focus della Challenge@PoliTo dal titolo “Space Economy: take your start up space”, organizzata dal CLIK – Connection Lab and Innovation Kitchen del Politecnico in collaborazione con l’Incubatore I3P e il progetto ESA […]


Conclusa la NewLAW challenge presentata da SACAL


Si è da poco conclusa NewLAW (A NEW Life for Alumina-based Wastes) la Challenge@PoliTO organizzata dal CLIK– Connection Lab and Innovation Kitchen del Politecnico in collaborazione con l’azienda Sacal s.p.a. – specializzata nel recupero e nella raffinazione di rottami […]


Conclusa la Challenge Polito per il Lunch Box del futuro


Si è conclusa S.E.L.F. (Sustainable, Enjoyable and Lovely Food) TOOLS, la Challenge by Firms proposta dall’azienda Sargomma srl Società Benefit che, durante l’evento di chiusura, ha presentato le tre proposte dei team […]


Spedire con cura: la challenge del Politecnico con Sea&Symphony


Il percorso Challenge@PoliTo – organizzato dal CLIK (Connection Lab And Innovation Kitchen) – ha incontrato l’esperienza di Sea&Symphony s.r.l. per progettare imballaggi innovativi e sostenibili. Nel corso della challenge appena conclusa, dal titolo “Save our products: ship […]


Pianificare la mobilità sostenibile del futuro


Il 20 gennaio 2022 si è conclusa la Challenge@PoliTo – KPIs for Green Mobility Services, un progetto del Politecnico di Torino in collaborazione con Hitachi Rail. L’obiettivo della Challenge era quello di valutare […]

Challenge_by Firms

Dream You Outdoor _By Ambin

27/01/2022 - 30/06/2022

Call for Ideas How do you think new technologies can help who do outdoor activities to have a better knowledge and awareness of the territory? Can you imagine innovative ways […]

Challenge_by Firms

DIY – Digital Identity for Yourself _By Aruba

27/01/2022 - 30/06/2022

Call for Ideas The issue of digital identity is increasingly topical, i.e. the right of citizens to be recognized through a unique and cross-border mechanism, both online and offline. This […]

Challenge_by Firms

Visual Recognition for Assisted Maintenance _By Leonardo

27/01/2022 - 30/06/2022

Call for Ideas Inspection, testing and maintenance operations are performed on vehicle (aircraft, car, truck) by qualified operators and technicians. Such operations often represent a heavy workload for the operators, […]

Challenge_by Firms

DSS for Sustainable Infrastructures Maintenance _By MOVYON

27/01/2022 - 30/06/2022

Call for Ideas Nowadays, all decision has to be supported by objective evidence. That is also true for the infrastructure assets’ maintenance as bridges and viaducts in kilometresand kilometresof motorways. […]

Challenge_by Firms

A NEW Life for Alumina-based Wastes (NewLAW) _By SACAL

27/01/2022 - 30/06/2022

Call for Ideas SACAL Spa, Società Alluminio Carisio, uses specific processing and melting cycles to refine aluminium scraps, implementing a recovery and recycling process that has important and positive ecological […]

Challenge_by Students

Overcoming Digital Divide _By Students

04/10/2021 - 20/01/2022

Call for Ideas In recent years, digitalization has expanded its reach like never before. The pandemic has accelerated an already ongoing transition to digital services, but has also highlighted and […]

Challenge_by Firms

Energy for homes, a home for energy _By EGEA

27/09/2021 - 20/01/2022

Call for Ideas The current energy transition challenges us to build city districts that are not just highly energy efficient but also green, comfortable and affordable. This challenge is promoted […]

Challenge_by Firms

KPIs for Green Mobility Services _By HITACHI RAIL

07/10/2021 - 20/01/2022

Call for Ideas Nowadays, the attractiveness of public transport is still too low to obtain a modal shift from private vehicles. Route planners offer the fastest or most direct routes […]

Challenge_by Firms

Save Our products: Ship with care _BY Sea&Symphony

05/10/2021 - 20/01/2022

Call for Ideas Sea&Symphony, founded in 1995 in Torino and initially aimed at the nautical market, design, buiId and sell, all over the world, a large series of electrical mechanisms […]

Challenge_by Firms

Students from the future _By Djungle

28/09/2021 - 20/01/2022

Call for Ideas The new technologies, jobs, lifestyles, which have established themselves in particular in the last decade, require a new approach to the learning and educational system, which instead […]


CAST Summer School – 13 September – 1 October


Do you dream of being an entrepreneur? Would you like to launch your startup? The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center at Politecnico di Torino in collaboration with CLIK – Connection Lab […]

Challenge_by Firms


08/03/2021 - 30/06/2021

The aim of the challenge is to realize a new system or process of a new sealing system to wrap chocolate-based food products, guaranteeing their conservation and containment.

Challenge_by Firms

TREASURE TRACK: Multi Functional Area Development_By Marazzato

04/03/2021 - 30/06/2021

The aim of the Challenge is to design a museum for the future transforming the industrial site into a focal point, active during all the year and in which it is possible to test innovative solutions for the exposition (e.g. ICT, AR, gaming). To enhance th

Challenge_by Firms

Fill up with green energy in motorway_By Autostrade Tech

09/03/2021 - 30/06/2021

The Challenge is to define tools aimed at the preliminary design of the storage system and/or its optimal management that can consider the various external factors that will have to be identified by the teams as determining or critical factors.

Challenge_by Firms

Seat as a suit​_By Sabelt

01/03/2021 - 30/06/2021

Call for Ideas Sabelt, an international company that produces components for the automotive, aerospace and aviation sectors, wants to anticipate, support and guide changes, proposing innovative solutions.​ Sabelt’s challenge requires imagining the seat of the future, […]

Challenge_by Students

New opportunities from Autonomous and Connected Mobility

04/03/2021 - 30/06/2021

The challenge aims at identifying, developing, and implementing sustainable concepts allowing for a better exploitation of the benefits coming from automated and connected mobility.

Challenge_by Firms


03/10/2019 - 18/01/2020

Grazie alle innovazioni tecnologiche il concetto di viaggio sta cambiando paradigma, ponendo sempre più attenzione verso i servizi che le infrastrutture possono offrire ai viaggiatori.

Challenge_by Firms

e-Mobility: Electric Vehicle Charging Experience

01/10/2019 - 18/01/2020

Le sfide ambientali legate alla mobilità sia in termini di emissioni sia di impiego sostenibile ed efficiente dell'energia, stanno assumendo una rilevanza sempre maggiore.

Challenge_by Firms

SMART AREA 24h _by Poste Italiane

01/10/2020 - 31/01/2021

In an increasingly fast and dynamic world, where people are getting more digital oriented, Poste Italiane aims to become a provider of digital services and experiences to satisfy the growing needs of customers and the market.

Challenge_by Firms

Crickets in the space _By Italian Cricket Farm

01/10/2020 - 31/01/2021

From 2013, FAO begins to sustain the diet based on insects (Entomophagy), as one of the sustainable alternative to global proteins production.

Challenge_by Firms

A.I. 4 Fashion Trends _By Evo

01/10/2020 - 31/01/2021

Is it possible to predict successful fashion trends? With the emergence of Big Data, the biggest challenge for data scientists today is no longer accessing enough data.

Challenge_by Students

Circular economy

01/10/2020 - 31/01/2021

There is only one planet Earth! In 2050, the population will reach 9.6 billion and the equivalent of almost three planets could be required to provide the natural resources needed to sustain current lifestyles.

Challenge_by Students

Artificial Intelligence

01/10/2020 - 31/01/2021

The technological revolution is transforming our lives at breakneck speed, dramatically altering the ways in which we work, learn and even live together.

Challenge_by Firms


07/10/2019 - 18/01/2020

Più del 35% delle microplastiche provengono dal lavaggio di indumenti sintetici ed entrano in circolo a causa dell’acqua di scarico degli elettrodomestici.