Call for Ideas
The technological revolution is transforming our lives at breakneck speed, dramatically altering the ways in which we work, learn and even live together.
Alongside the increasingly sophisticated use of big data, artificial intelligence (AI) is undergoing exponential growth and finding new applications in an ever-increasing number of sectors, including security, the environment, research and education, health, culture and trade.
AI could open up tremendous opportunities for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Its applications enable innovative solutions, improved risk assessment, better planning and faster knowledge sharing, taking into account the aspects of an inclusive digital economy and society, as well as the security and stability of the designed systems.
You can create your own team, apply with your team’s idea and try to develop it into a start-up.
Students can take part in this revolution. They can combine concepts and ideas in several application domains with AI-technologies to make the difference and shape the future. In particular, we are seeking solutions focusing on the following application domains:
- Automotive
- Smart environments
- Robotics
- Health
- Finance
- Education
This activity will be recognized within your educational plan with 8 CFU credits.
Check your institutional email and read the regulation carefully.
Then apply at
SIGN UP NOW! Places are limited!
For any questions, write to
Challenge@Polito_by Students is an innovative teaching activity carried at the Politecnico di Torino. It is an integral part of PoliTo’s strategy to foster innovative education and entrepreneurial culture among the students.
The main goal of these challenges is to involve students in learning initiatives capable of bridging them closer to the entrepreneurial world. These activities promote the early stage ideas coming by students and give to the teams the foundation to develop their business projects.
PoliTo selects a macro topic, the students create their multidisciplinary team and apply their own ideas about it. The Challenges are open to every master students of the Politecnico di Torino. If the challenge is suitable on your Master’s Degree, it is recognized within your educational plan with 8 CFU curricular free credits, check it in your course program. In any other case, you can still participate in the challenge and receive the 8 CFU as extra credits.
The Challenge contents are provided in English.
The Challenge lasts 14 weeks, total assimilable of didactic period. During the Challenge the students have to work in multidisciplinary Teams supported by a group of tutors with complementary background and competences, internal and external of PoliTo, under the lead of a Professor. The external partner of this activity is META Group, an international firm dedicated to the creation and growth of fast-growing companies and start-up. Their expert will support the teams during the challenge time.
Every team will self-organize its own working time and methodology, but will have to spend about 1,5 hour/week, supported by mentors, in the CLIK Lab, similar space or in remote (clarifications will be provided), beyond the common alignment meetings. The challenge structure is the following:
Common Alignment Meeting:
• Kick off
• One monthly Working Progress
• 8 Educational Workshops
• Final Presentation
Team deliverable:
• Three ppts Working Progress
• One monthly report
• One ppt Final Presentation
• One final report
The CFUs, curricular as well as extra, will be recognised at the end of the challenge and only if the student will have passed the course. The verification procedure is based on:
• The development of project on an evaluation grid;
• Quality of the presentation during the common meeting;
• Reports;
• Self-evaluation of team members.
This activity does not have a score, it’s only “passed/not passed”.
Learning Outcomes
Entrepreneurial Culture: Promote the Entrepreneurial culture/behavior on the PoliTo Students. Multidisciplinary Teams: Collaborate in a complex and multidisciplinary context. Information research: Retrieval, Data collection and Utilization of information to support teamwork activities. Hard Skills: Put into practice what they have learnt during their lectures in order to resolve a real problem coming from partner firms. Soft Skills: Teamwork under conditions close to the ones of a real business environment, self-assessment and work organization.
At the end of this activity, students will get to know the entrepreneurial world more closely and will be more ready to evaluate their future considering also this job opportunity.
1. The Challenge@PoliTo_by Students are open only to Master’s Degree PoliTo Students;
2. The CFUs will be curricular only if the challenge is present on the own course program as free credits and the student has free credits available. In other cases the credits will be extra;
3. The credits, curricular as well as extra, will be provided only in case of positive final verification;
4. The application phase ends on the 13th of September at the 23.59 (CEST);
5. The application is collected through the following website:;
6. The students can register themselves on the website using their own PoliTo mail;
7. The first part of application is about personal information;
8. The “Team” field has to be filled choosing between:
a. Creation of a new Team writing the name of the team: The person creating it will be the Team Leader of the new team created;
b. Selection of an existing team (Team CLIK can’t be selected): The Team Leader (the person who had opened the new team) will receive a request on join by you;
c. Not filled in: if you do not have a Team and or an Idea to apply for the challenge but you want to join on this interesting activity, to be able to see other students’ ideas and ask joining others’ Team;
9. The Team has to be created for one of the following reasons:
a. A student or a multidisciplinary group of students has an Idea to apply on the challenge;
b. A multidisciplinary group of students wants to join together in the challenge and is still working on an Idea to apply.
10. The student without Team and Idea can sign up on the website, fill in the personal information, and ask to join in an uncompleted Team sending a request directly through the platform. Before sending an official request, the student can get in touch with team leader by institutional email or using other channels;
11. Registering yourself on the platform DOES NOT MEAN applying for the challenge. To join at the challenge you must have a team (completed or uncompleted) and it has to apply an Idea.
12. The uncompleted Teams can advertise on the Team page the roles and competencies they are looking for;
13. In the “Team” page there are the information about the teams looking for adding new members on them;
14. The Team Leader can accept a new student in his/her own team and/or add a new student using the team page;
15. The Team must have 5 or 6 members and be multidisciplinary. At least 4 members have to come from different didactic paths to match this requisite;
16. Each student can join only one Team, you are not allowed to join in more than one Team at the same time;
17. Each Team can apply only for one challenge, it is not allowed to apply for more Challenges at the same time;
18. To participate to the Challenge the Team must apply with an Idea;
19. The best Ideas with the more appropriate Team will be selected for taking part to the challenge;
20. The best ideas will take part at the challenge are selected by the Professor, Mentors (internal and external), partners and Team CLIK;
21. Any Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) derived from the activities performed during the challenges will be managed by the team with the institutional and financial support of the PoliTo which will be the original owner of the economic rights. The team members will be entitled to 50% of any future net income generated from IPRs exploitation;
22. The best idea will be awarded with cash prize at the end of the challenge, useful to carry on with the entrepreneurial project. Moreover, the Team could continue to develop their start-up project at the I3P Incubator.
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