
Clik was inaugurated in December 2017 with the “Lab Assistant” hackathon: in two days the students had to face the challenge of designing and creating the CLIK virtual assistant, with which to interact with the voice. Since then, other hackathons have been carried out, up to the actual challenges lasting between 7 days and 5 months.

Starting from October 2019 the challenges are defined Challenge @ PoliTo and have been redesigned and assimilated to an exam: they are reserved for Master’s degree students, they take place in parallel to the academic semesters (October-January and March-June), with a duration of 14 weeks, and can give the right to 8 CFU, which can be curricular or extra-curricular, depending on the theme of the challenge. With the first semester of the A.Y. 2020-21 the Challenge@PoliTo may be proposed by external companies (Challenge@PoliTo_By Firms) or by the students themselves (Challenge@PoliTo_By Students)