Challenge _by Firms

Wastescapes_By Azzurra S.r.l.

Redesigning the Relations Between Industrial Waste Treatment Plants, Landscape and Local Communities

04/03/2024 - 15/06/2024

The construction and subsequent management of new treatment plants for industrial waste is a process that challenges the local contexts with a number of environmental, spatial and socio-economic repercussions, including the infrastructural networks, the landscape characters, the relations with the local communities, etc.

The purpose of this challenge is planning the future expansion of an existing plant treating industrial waste through the conception of a new model of facility. This will be capable of introducing a new paradigm of hybridization and symbiosis between the necessary operations for a safe and sustainable waste management, the surrounding environment, the generation of energy and secondary raw materials, the local community.​

Key objectives:​

  • Minimize the potential harm associated with waste treatment;​
  • Ensure the best integration between the waste treatment plant and the surrounding territory;​
  • Circular economy, Industrial symbiosis;​
  • Safe handling, storage and disposal.

Clik here for the syllabus!

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Active challenge

Challenge _by Students

Mapping PoliTo spaces

24/02/2025 - 07/06/2025

Background: Several Areas of PoliTO, in collaboration with some faculty members, are working on developing the new university app. One of the proposed features is the digitalization of maps within […]