Challenge _by Firms

Smart Urban Data Integration for Turin’s Master Plan_By Turin Municipality

24/02/2025 - 07/06/2025

Nearly thirty years after the approval of the 1995 Town Master Plan, the city of Turin has started working on a new Master Plan to guide the development of the municipal territory.
The Master Plan establishes rules, defines limits and outlines the future of both areas already built and those to be regenerated, with an important strategic impact for shaping the Turin of tomorrow.
The availability of new databases and the opportunities presented by AI offer new and innovative
directions for the new Plan to reimagine the city in all its aspects: environment, society and economy.

The objective of the challenge is to develop a new strategy that allows the innovative use of urban data in the new Master Plan. Proposals may include applications, devices and tools aimed at:

  • Analyzing the databases of the City and developing strategies for the integration and use of urban data;
  • Increasing and updating available databases to improve the knowledge of all dimensions of urban life;
  • Making the Master Plan understandable externally;
  • Visualizing and comparing alternative transformation scenarios through a multidimensional approach.

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Active challenge

Challenge _by Firms

Unlock the Potential of Space with 3D Printing_By Blue Engineering

23/09/2024 - 11/01/2025

Background: The use of 3D printers has revolutionized various sectors, including the space one, where it assumes crucial importance for multiple reasons related to research, exploration and colonization of space. […]

Challenge _by Firms

Innovating Hose and Cable Reels_By Zeca S.p.A.

23/09/2024 - 11/01/2025

Background: The company flagship products are hose or cable reels; the product core is a tube or electrical cable wounded on a coil. The system allows, through a spiral spring, […]

Challenge _by Students

Mapping PoliTo spaces

24/02/2025 - 07/06/2025

Background: Several Areas of PoliTO, in collaboration with some faculty members, are working on developing the new university app. One of the proposed features is the digitalization of maps within […]

Challenge _by Students

Fostering Environmental Sustainability Through Deep-Tech Innovation_By Students

23/09/2024 - 11/01/2025

Background: Environmental sustainability, resource management, and emissions reduction are increasingly important. Responsible environmental interaction is crucial for ongoing production and planetary preservation for future generations. Therefore, deep-tech solutions are vital […]