Challenge _by Firms

Smart Passenger Information Systems_By Hitachi Rail

Empowering Public Transportation with Real-Time Data and Intelligent Technologies​

02/10/2023 - 20/01/2024


In the coming years, there will likely be an increase in demand for Public Transport Systems (PTS), requiring a rise in system efficiency. Users are less inclined to use PTS due to a lack of a sophisticated and integrated Passenger Information System (PIS).

To improve the level of service provided to travelers, various technologies can be used to deliver accurate information in real-time.


The aim of the challenge is the application of different technologies to gather real time information in order to improve the quality of PTS. To accelerate the transition, it is necessary to use different Intelligent Transport System (ITS).

Key objectives:

  • Improve the Public Transportation System (PTS) through the collection of real-time data;
  • Plausible solution includes monitoring technologies, customizable data, and authentication tools to recommend personalized routes and experiences;
  • Final solution will consist also in the design of the most appropriate mean of communication to the client (phone app, QR…).

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Challenge _by Students

Mapping PoliTo spaces

24/02/2025 - 07/06/2025

Background: Several Areas of PoliTO, in collaboration with some faculty members, are working on developing the new university app. One of the proposed features is the digitalization of maps within […]