S.E.L.F. TOOL (Sustainable, Enjoyable and Lovely Food) _By SARGOMMA
27/09/2021 - 20/01/2022
Call for Ideas
The Covid emergency has made it necessary to rethink and reinvent the worktime lunchbreak by setting new long-lasting trends.
A market research survey of 1200 students and workers, aged 18 to 55, shows that although 78% of students and 65% of workers bring their lunch from home, but only 50% of the respondents cook it. At the same time, the increasing focus on staff welfare is translating into the launch of wellness campaigns at the workplace.
Sargomma is a small company with a solid know-how of rubber material that is socially committed to sustainability. Staff health is of greatest importance for Sargomma.
The company has decided to explore the lunch box market to provide a valid alternative to the canteen and takeaway food.
Sargomma is reflecting on possible new approaches to the lunchbreak and to the lunch box of the future. Students can take part in this challenge considering the possible characteristics of lunches in the future.
The following functional and aesthetical issues should be taken into account:
- the sustainability of materials and production processes;
- a captivating and inspiring product design;
- how easy it is to carry the lunch container;
- ensuring optimal storage and preservation qualities;
- how easy it is to clean the lunch container.
The Challenges are worth 8 curricular or extracurricular credits.
Check the curriculum of your degree programme to verify if you can choose a Challenge in substitution of for your free choice credits.
Check your institutional email, look for ‘Challenge@PoliTo’ and read the regulation carefully.
SIGN UP NOW! Places are limited!
For any questions, write to clik@polito.it
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