Electric Vehicles as flexibility sources for Energy Communities_By IREN
04/03/2024 - 15/06/2024
The challenge encompasses two crucial aspects of the energy landscape: electric mobility and Renewable Energy Communities. Future penetration of electric vehicles (EV) equipped with technologies of bi-directional charging (V2G) can provide flexibility services to the grid and become a relevant component of the Energy Communities (EC). In this context, electric vehicles can be considered as batteries on wheels, maximizing self-consumption of locally generated energy and increasing energy flexibility by storing and releasing electric energy as needed.
Participants will explore the idea of EVs functioning as batteries on wheels, developing solutions through business model hypotheses and technological innovations. Several boundary conditions and uncertainties will be considered such as, potential battery wear, variability in EV owners’ willingness to put their vehicles in service of the EC, stochasticity of available EVs, state-of-charge variations, and specific user mobility needs that may require disconnection from charging stations.
Key objectives:
- Formulate technologically feasible and profitable market solutions;
- Identify technological limitations of actual market;
- Simulate scenarios of application;
- Build a technological roadmap of future developments;
- Define business models capable of generating value for the all key players;
- Define effective remuneration methods for EV owners within the EC.
Download the pdf to discover if your degree programme recognizes you curricular or extra curricular credits for this challenge.
Attività organizzata nell’ambito dell’Ecosistema dell’Innovazione Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile, Spoke 1, grant agreement n. ECS00000036, MUR – M4C2 – Investimento 1.5
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