Challenge _by Firms


miCro pLastic freE wAteR

07/10/2019 - 18/01/2020

More than 35% of the microplastics come from the washing of synthetic clothing and enter into circulation due to the discharge water of the appliances.
Following the introduction of the EU Ecolabel, all the next washing machines will have to be equipped with a solution that filters or removes microplastics in wastewater.
The challenge proposed by ROLD, a leading manufacturer of components for the appliances sector and supplier of the largest manufacturers of household appliances (white goods), requires the design of some solutions for the environmental problem of microplastics emitted in particular by washing machines.

The main focal points of the Challenge:

  • To devise a system / process capable of separating the microplastics from the water discharge of a washing machine and allowing its removal /extraction / destruction.
  • Analyze price and useful life of the filter and the economic impact of the price on the customer.
  • Acquisition of data about the developed process coming from washing machine through sensors and management of them through the cloud (Azure).

This activity will be recognized within your educational plan with 8 CFU credits.
Check your institutional email, look for ‘Challenge @ Clik’ and read the regulation carefully.
SIGN UP NOW! Places are limited!
For any questions, write to

Challenge team

    About us

    Description Bold EN

    Our solution

    Our solution Bold en

    Team members

    Leonardo Sergio
    Sergio Salvatore
    Simone Martini
    Sofia Izzi
    Romina Arena
    Melania Fiore

    About us

    description team 5 eng

    Team members

    Giuseppe Virgilio
    Maurizio Strazzacappa
    Marco Serra
    Simone Barberi

    About us

    description brainwash en

    Our solution

    our solution brainwash en

    Team members

    Samuele Vitaglione
    Giuseppe Solaro
    Pietro Milano
    Balaij Jayachandran
    Francesca Bonfante

    Team members

    Alberto Zingarelli
    Antonio Giuseppe Varrella
    Gaia Maria Ludovica Platania
    Isabella Minetti
    Francesco Carella

    Team members

    Aurora Zamboi
    Alessandro Ribezzo
    Dario Mattia
    Fabrizio Mancino
    Danilo Flammia
    Piera Di Prima

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