Challenge _by Firms

A.I. 4 Fashion Trends _By Evo

01/10/2020 - 31/01/2021

Call for Ideas

Is it possible to predict successful fashion trends?
With the emergence of Big Data, the biggest challenge for data scientists today is no longer accessing enough data. The difficulty is identifying the right data and data granularity to predict trends accurately, especially when what you’re looking at has high volatility. Also thanks to social media and other factors, fashion trends have become incredibly volatile and as such, increasingly demanding for traditional forecasting approaches that are based on historical data.
In the fashion industry, all stages of the production process – from the acquisition of raw materials to the sale of the finished product – require careful planning and forecasting, because they are influenced by endogenous trends (popularity, prices, promotions and competition) and exogenous trends (seasonality and weather).


Evo, a start-up based in I3P and London that uses AI to help companies create more effective supply chain and pricing strategies, proposes a challenge to help companies with resource planning by more accurately identifying emerging trends in purchasing behaviour, especially when it comes to style.
The primary goals will be to:

  • Analyze the target market and identify the relevant data sources
  • Create an algorithm that selects critical success factors and anticipates fashion trends
  • Design a user interface with a captivating UI / UX and implement an APP that can be used by managers and consumers

This activity will be recognized within your educational plan with 8 CFU credits.

Check your institutional email, look for ‘Challenge@PoliTo’ and read the regulation carefully.

SIGN UP NOW! Places are limited!

For any questions, write to

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Active challenge

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