Call for Ideas
The current energy transition challenges us to build city districts that are not just highly energy efficient but also green, comfortable and affordable.
This challenge is promoted by EGEA, one of the largest Italian energy services companies, which provides electricity, natural gas and district heating to dwellings and industries.
The scope of the challenge is to conceive the new headquarters of the firm in Alba, in a site currently already in use, that is next the historic city centre, the Tanaro river and the famous terroirs of Barolo.
There newed settlement is intended to host more than 400 people, a built surface of 8,500 sqm, with 4,300 sqm of open and green areas. The new headquarters are intended to show an “house of energy” that does not forget the past but looks steadily at the future.
Its redesign should be guided by the principles of carbon neutrality of buildings and services, well-being and welfare for workers and visitors, innovation and preservation of the heritage, considering also the new work organization of the post-Covid era.
Each team is asked to provide a design study on the new EGEA headquarters, taking into account the owners projects requirements and the site constraints, but also the expected cost of the renovation.
The team will merge together architectural and urban designers, building physicists, energy, HVAC, electric and environmental engineers, sustainability experts, planners, project managers and other technical expertise, from the Politecnico di Torino University, that could be useful.
You will work through an integrated design process exploiting the capabilities of the simulation-aided design and optimization in the various disciplines.
The Challenges are worth 8 curricular or extracurricular credits.
Check the curriculum of your degree programme to verify if you can choose a Challenge in substitution of for your free choice credits.
Check your institutional email, look for ‘Challenge@PoliTo’ and read the regulation carefully.
SIGN UP NOW! Places are limited!
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