Challenge _by Firms

Demolition yards_By ArchLivIng

Post-disaster recovery, reuse, reconstruction

27/02/2023 - 10/06/2023

Call for Ideas

The intervention in places affected by natural or man-made disaster opens a vast field of responses and experimentation in the cultural and technical spheres. The most tangible trace of the event are often the ruined buildings and their rubble. This ‘post-disaster landscape’ constitutes a constant challenge at several scales, not least that of the technicians in charge of reconstruction.
The integrated design company ArchLivIng S.r.l. works on projects, construction yards and research related to post-disaster reconstruction and is constantly engaged in searching for innovative solutions to deal with this crisis context. The need for new models and responses to the same problem would constitute, in this case, valuable application tools, exportable if duly declined and contextualized.



ArchLivIng launches an interdisciplinary design challenge aimed to develop a cutting-edge process of selective deconstruction with the aim of reusing the original materials oriented for the environmental and landscape rehabilitation of a historic village.
The challenge consists in testing this practice’s potentialities on the case study of Gabbiano, a rural hamlet in Marche region that is going to face a complete process of demolition and reconstruction. Students will approach ruins, rubble and materials from different points of view and assess its actual applicability – exportability – in disaster-stricken areas.
Main challenge questions are:

  • How to organize safe accessibility to post-disaster areas and what tools can be tried out to speed up and optimize the securing work?
  • How to manage the global knowledge phase of a damaged building?
  • How to intervene in the deconstruction, storage and possible reuse or disposal of rubble?


The case study could be visited to better understand the dynamics and issues involved in the challenge. The eventual trip in Marche region will be optional and recommended, more organisational information will be provided to selected students.


Course syllabus:


Challenge@PoliTo are worth 8 curricular or extracurricular credits.

Check your degree programme to verify it.

Overcoming the Challenge allows the release of the Open Badge.

Places are limited. For any questions, write to

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Active challenge

Challenge _by Students

Mapping PoliTO spaces

24/02/2025 - 07/06/2025

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